Black Spruce Essential Oil 5ml


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Product Overview

Picea mariana

Origin: Canada

Size: 5ml


Cultivation: USDA and EcoCert organic cultivation in Canada


Composition: 100% Black Spruce essential oil, certified organic by USDA and EcoCert


Extraction: Steam distillation of Black Spruce needles


Active Constituents: α-Pinene, Bornyl acetate


Viscosity: Thin


Color: Clear to yellow


About: Reminiscent of pine forests, Black Spruce is refreshing, crisp and woodsy. Massaging daily into the lower back & inner wrists can support balanced emotions & energy. Diffuse Black spruce into the air for freshness & to promote the respiratory system. Great for supporting the immune system during cold & flu season.


Blending Recommendations: Bay Laurel, Cedarwood, Chamomile German, Cypress, Rose Geranium, Lavender, Lavender Spike, Lemon, Niaouli, Sweet Orange, Peppermint, Scotch Pine, Ravintsara, Rosemary ct cineole, Spearmint, Tea Tree, Thyme ct linalol, Yarrow.


Safety Information: Black Spruce should be avoided during pregnancy. Potentially dermocaustic: administer a skin patch test before use.


Maximum Topical Dilution Rate: 1-5%, more under professional guidance.



Bornyl acetate 21.03% Terpinolene 19.30%  α-Pinene + α-Thuyene 16.93%  Camphene 16.38%  Δ3-Carene 11.72%  β-Pinene 6.13%  β-myrcene 3.99%  Limonene 3.22%  Santene 2.76%  Tricyclene 1.77%  δ-Cadinene + Citronellol 1.76%  1,8 Cineole 1.36%

Black Spruce contains an additional 140 constituents under 1%.


Shelf Life: 1-3 years if properly stored.


Storage: Store upright, cap closed, out of direct heat and sunlight.


Notes: Non-GMO, No pesticides, No insecticides, No additives, Gluten free, Vegan, Cruelty free, No carrier oil added.


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