Endangered Pollinator Iron-On Patches

Cycles Journal

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Product Overview

The endangered pollinators in this collection (from top to bottom, left to right) are the:
- Dakota Skipper
- Longhorn Elderberry Beetle
- Rusty-Patched Bumble Bee
- Blackburn's Sphinx Moth
- Monarch Butterfly
- Mariana Fruit Bat
- Rufous Hummingbird
& the "extra" patch is the not-engangered but still very much at risk beloved Honeybee in hand.

These emblems of honor are designed to raise environmental awareness and speak for the beauty of nature. These designs highlight 7 pollinators who are currently at risk for survival and are listed on the endangered species list. These patches that can be worn separately or as one unit together, forming a larger back patch in the shape of the Flower of Life.


The Endangered Pollinator Patch Series is originally designed & illustrated by Cycles Journal's artist/founder Rachael Amber @rachael.amber

  • 3x2.5" each
  • Embroidered
  • Iron-on backing included

Artwork is by Rachael Amber – founder & creator of Cycles Journal.


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